June 25, 2018

Blonde Hair Extensions – Tips, Methods and Advice for Applying and Buying Hair Extensions

A one of the most transformative methods to enhance or alter your appearance is to try the new haircut or color. More dramatic is to lengthen your short hair or highlight long hair. Hair extensions are a simple and affordable way to boost your hairstyle by adding highlights or length. I have over 20 years of working as a professional stylist, and I work with many clients per week. I am most enthusiastic over the change the blonde extensions (or other shades) offer. My mission is to assist those who need help with practical ways to help you to look your best.

I’ve seen how satisfied my clients are when they choose to put hair extensions in their hair. With the latest technology available that allows you to change your appearance in a matter of minutes, without harming your hair! Knowing the various methods that are employed is crucial since you’ll need to select the one which is the most suitable for your needs. I will discuss the most popular techniques in the next section. Read on to learn how you can become an avid user of hair extensions, just as many women all over the world.

Certain women have thin hair, and they want to add more volume. Others have hair that is short and are seeking the most dramatic improvement in their look. Many women have experienced the negative results that over-coloring their hair and are seeking an alternative that is safe. Extensions can give amazing highlights that don’t harm hair. Below I’ve summarized the advantages and benefits of different techniques for applying extensions along with my personal suggestions.

Long Blondes Hair Extensions (and various shades) include:

  • Flexible – Change color of hair highlights you very quickly
  • Reduce your expenses by avoiding visits to the salon (do it yourself)
  • Transform your look
  • Color and style your hair extensions to highlight the natural hair

There are numerous techniques and types of hair extensions that are available. Below, I’ve listed 4 of the well-known techniques and the pros and cons of each. As a rule of thumb avoid any artificial hair extension. They look less natural, are prone to wear out and are not able to be colored according to your preferences. They are not as expensive, but I believe they aren’t worth the cost.

Method 1 Clip-Ons –

Professional clip-on extensions for professional use have drastically increased in the past few years thanks to safe, long-lasting weave clips as well as human hair. Now, you can get human hair clip-ons with professional quality that are easy to apply cost-effectively and look amazing! Human hair clip-ons are purchased in a variety of shades, and are able to be styled and colored to match your hair. I see a lot of clients each week who use these extensions that have amazing results and appear natural. They can be put on by yourself or your stylist. With the new type of professional clips, you don’t need to pull them out each evening. They will stay securely fixed to your hair until you’re willing to alter your hairstyle.

Method 2 Micro-ring (Loop)

Micro-rings are extensions weaved in your hair through loops that weave your existing hair around the extensions rings. It takes longer than clip-ons (about two hours to complete a set) and isn’t easy to use yourself. It is uncomfortable for the first time because of the tight weave but you’ll gradually get used to the first day. It is possible to get decent natural results with this kind of extension but it’s not much better than clip-ons.

Method 3 Fusion (Glue-in)

The method employs hair strands that are attached using glue adhesive. In most cases, you’ll need a technician from a salon to connect them, and the price could go to be in the thousands. You should also keep them updated every few months. You will get natural-looking results using this technique. With time, you run the possibility of damaging your hair due to the adhesive material and the renewal process. If you’re considering this procedure, make certain to conduct a thorough investigation about the person who uses them, and look for testimonials from clients who have used the service.

Method 4 Sewn-in Wefts

They are extensions that are sewn to the natural hair by a technician at a salon. It can be expensive and time-consuming. I’ve heard that they can be difficult and unpleasant to put on. Research these before you decide to try these.


Of all these options I advise the majority of my clients employ method 1 Hair clip-on extensions for human hair. The most natural and affordable option without the risk of damage to hair. In the long term it will cut down on trips to the salon and allow for an alteration in your hairstyle depending on your mood.

Buying Extensions

As I stated earlier on this article, it’s essential that you purchase the hair extensions you want from a trustworthy company that offers high-quality products. Your hair extensions should appear great and last for an extended time. I’ve seen products that look fantastic at first but they fade or lose their curly after a single wash. This can lead to frustration, and more cost out of your wallet. If you invest in a high-end product, you can get blonde hair extensions that you can reuse and over without difficulties.

More Information

Learn more about the businesses that offer the finest product at a affordable prices by visiting my Blonde Hair Extensions Blog. One company is a particular one, which supplies numerous salons that are professional, as well as the television and film industries with hair extensions and the wigs. You can now purchase directly from them for affordable prices! You can also find more details and videos for free on how-to put-on hair extensions on your own and get suggestions on which extensions to choose!


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