How to choose an antivirus program

You may be inundated daily with unwanted pop-ups and spam mail promoting the latest spy-ware and antivirus protection. Despite being counterintuitive and amusing, there is no shortage of competition between antivirus program developers. In fact, even antivirus manufacturers are prepared to exploit your computer’s weaknesses to promote their products .

New computer viruses are more dangerous and more virulent because of the sheer volume and efficiency that the internet offers, as well as its billions-plus users. Viruses are capable of spreading quickly around the world, affecting thousands of unprepared users and businesses almost instantly. Virtually all users of PCs should have antivirus protection.

First things first: What is a Computer Virus?

A program must be able to reproduce itself and trigger its activity at specific events in order to be considered a computer virus. Computer viruses are just one type of malwareware. Maliceware is software that can damage, delete, steal or even destroy your computer’s hardware. Viruses Trojans and Worms are the three main types of malware you should be concerned about. Antivirus programs can detect and protect your computer from all three types of threats.

What does an Antivirus Program do?

Two common methods are used by antivirus programs to detect threats to your computer.

  1. 1.Signature Detection – An antivirus program scans your computer and drives for viruses.
  2. 2.Activity: Antivirus software will monitor your computer’s activity for unusual behaviors, such as.Modification of system files, folders, and unauthorized connections to the Internet are just two examples.

In order to detect signatures, an antivirus program manufacturer must obtain a copy a particular virus to reverse-engineer the virus to find markers that are relevant to its programming. These markers can then be loaded into your antivirus software through updates. Although signature detection is an effective method for protecting your computer from viruses, it can become useless when there is no virus definition.

Antivirus programs that scan for possible computer virus activity are more effective than those that rely on signature detection in detecting new threats. Noting that many antivirus programs perform similar activities to viruses, such as writing and altering system files, users can quickly become overwhelmed by unnecessary warnings from these applications.

Today’s most “solid” antivirus programs use a combination virus activity and signature detection to protect your computer from threats.

How to choose the Antivirus Program That is Right For You

You will soon find yourself in the middle of a sea of ads claiming to be impartial and legitimate evaluators of available antivirus programs. There are many solutions available, but not all can meet your needs, even among the top manufacturers. There are instances when they may not be as effective as others in detecting and eliminating an infection or threat. There are many Antivirus manufacturers and applications that can be used to protect your computer.

What are your chances of getting hurt?

This is the most important step in deciding how much protection you need and how much money to spend on Antivirus protection. Your computer’s exposure to other applications, files, or connections is considered risk. Antivirus software is almost non-existent if your computer never comes in contact with files or programs that are not made by secure sources. Antivirus software should not be needed if your computer is never going to be connected to the internet or downloaded files.

An antivirus program may not be necessary if you are a casual internet user. This means that you only use the internet occasionally via a dial-up connection or temporary connection. You will not download or upload files or programs from unsecure sources. You can limit the number of protection applications you use in this case. A basic antivirus program that scans your hard drive regularly for viruses should provide you with the protection you need. You can find many excellent antivirus programs available for free as shareware on the internet.

If you’re like most computer users today, then you are at high risk. You need to have a variety of antivirus programs. You have an internet connection that is broadband. This will keep your computer connected 24/7. You should invest in very comprehensive security for your computer if you frequently upload or download files from untrusted sources. Antivirus programs that offer real-time scanning of all

There are two connections and files should be considered for high-risk users.

Do you want to buy for business or home? types of antivirus software available: home and business. They can have very different costs and be effective. The home version is generally cheaper and offers fewer options than the business-based versions. The home user doesn’t need all the features of business versions, so I wouldn’t recommend that they purchase an antivirus solution for home.

Antivirus software for businesses is designed to provide security from both internal and external threats. It also makes it easy to maintain. Many corporate antivirus software allows for central control of entire networks. Protection can be split between individual computers, application servers or the internet. Software updates are “pushed” through the network from a central server. This allows for ease and security. Corporate antivirus applications don’t allow users to change their protection settings. This is crucial for network stability and security.

It is essential that you protect your business’s network from viruses by purchasing a corporate-class antivirus suite. Protection for email, internet and mission-critical files and applications servers is essential. As a rule of thumb, IT managers in corporate environments should assume that all users will attempt to infect their corporate equipment with viruses or other threats. Although this is unlikely, IT managers in corporate environments should assume that all users are capable of protecting their computers and themselves from viruses.

Antivirus software designed for businesses is usually more powerful than that for homes and is therefore more costly overall. Most business antivirus programs are server-based. Clients or additional licenses are purchased for each computer that connects to an antivirus server.

Concerning the Antivirus Program Itself

Sometimes, the only way to determine the effectiveness and quality of an antivirus program is to see how often it is updated. There are new viruses being introduced daily or even hourly to the internet. Antivirus manufacturers that are the best offer regular updates and updates as often as possible. It should concern users that antivirus software manufacturers are able to provide regular, relevant updates to their programs. The danger of not having the most recent updates is almost as great as no protection.

You should also consider the following important factors:

  1. 1.What is the compatibility of your current setup and operating system with this program?- You may not be able to use an antivirus program that was created in 2006 if you’re still running Windows 98.
  2. 2.What percentage of the system resources does this program consume?Antivirus applications, like all other applications, will require your computer’s processing power, memory, and storage space in order to function. This will ensure that your computer runs at its best.
  3. 3.What protection does the software provide?Is the software protected against multiple threats like Trojans and Worms? Can the program scan both incoming and outgoing text messages as well as e-mails for viruses?
  4. 4.Cost – What will your protection cost over the course of your usage?Many antivirus programs require you to subscribe to their service, and then purchase annual updates. These updates’ costs can vary between manufacturers so be aware of them before making your final decision.

These questions, when answered honestly, will allow you to ensure that your data and PC are secure and protected

How to choose an antivirus solution in practice

It can be difficult to choose antivirus protection. It is highly competitive in the market and the products are at the forefront of information technology.

Antivirus vendors have the money and the knowledge to wage a massive brand war on the subject of computer security. There are many vendors, and each one is pushing dozens upon dozens of features to the market. How can you choose among them? This article will go into more detail about this topic.

Security is boring

Security and usability are always at odds. No security measures or procedures will help you when you are working on your documents, watching videos, or playing videogames. They’re actually a nuisance, slowing down your computer and asking for different passwords. Also, forcing you choose the right folder to save your files.

Yes, I get the necessity. But it’s not fun. Modern marketing attempts to get people to engage, have fun, and to feel some closure through the use of a product. What type of closure can antivirus software provide?

You only need an antivirus solution to remove viruses. Antivirus vendors don’t have a large fan base. LOST has 7.5 Million fans on Facebook, Symantec 35,000.

Even worse, virtually no security measure can guarantee psychological closure. Do you remember the movie “Mission Impossible?” It was very secure, but Tom Cruise hacked it. There is always the possibility that viruses can still get through your defenses, even with antivirus products. It’s very sad.

Race without en

Antivirus software developers are always at war with cybercriminals, and each other.

Illegal ways to make money online include spam, prescription drug sales and pornography. Bright, but devious minds can use their knowledge to find the money. Criminals try to infect your computer every day.

A new virus is tested against all the major antivirus protections. They must not be able detect it. It’s then released into the wild and begins to do its dirty job. The world’s antivirus software labs work 24x7x365 to detect new viruses using honey pots and other methods. It is not difficult to find a cure for a virus once they have it. This vendor’s software can protect you from this virus within hours, sometimes minutes. The best antivirus brands have proactive protection against unknown viruses. They analyze any new program’s behavior and determine if it is a virus. However, such programs are still not very intelligent.

All major antivirus labs around the globe exchange information about the most recent viruses. We can conclude that all antivirus products are capable of finding new viruses. There are hundreds of new viruses being created every day. It is impossible to predict when someone will make a mistake.

It looks like a Formula-1 race. All the cars are excellent. They are 99.99% perfect and the drivers are brilliant. They have to compete against each other. Someone will make a mistake, and it is okay to be imperfect.

To prove their effectiveness, antivirus vendors must race 24 hours a day on a Formula-1 track.

Size does matter

It is logical to start by trying to identify the market leaders. Which antivirus product is selling the most around the globe? They might be better at what they do, but the “invisible hand of the market” has already chosen the favorites.

Softwaretop100 identifies the top 100 largest companies as:




(Kaspersky aggressively aims for 3rd Place)

The rest are smaller.

This does not include “free antivirus” software. A vendor may give a basic version free of charge and then make money by selling additional products or services. It’s a magical word. According to some sources, antivirus protection is free on between 50% and 60% of all computers worldwide. These are the leaders in the free antivirus market:




They all start with A and are European (avast! is German). AVG and Avira are both Czech Republic.

Independent testing

Independent labs can test the products for antivirus protection to determine how they perform in this never-ending race. Let’s find out which antivirus product is the best.


Every quarter, AV-Test releases a report on 20+ products. They assign a score between 0 and 6 in three categories (protection/repair, usability), and the worst products are not “certified”.

Let’s find out who has the highest protection score:

2010 Q2: AVG and G Data, Symantec, Panda

2010 Q3: aspersky and PC Tools

2010 Q4: BitDefender, BullGuard, Kaspersky, Panda

2011 Q1: BitDefender

There isn’t one leader that I can see. Some months are better than others.

Let’s take a look at how the three market leaders (Symantec McAfee and Trend Micro) fare in this test.

Symantec:, (almost the top scores)

McAfee:5.0,3.5,3.5,3.0 (not good)

Trend Micro:2.5,4.0,4.5,3.5 (not good at all)


AV-Comparatives tests approximately 20 products every month, and has many tests to demonstrate performance in antivirus protection

Nearly all of the top leaders detect at least 90% of viruses. However, there are some that detect as high as 100%. Let’s find out who is the best at on-demand virus detection.

February 2010: G Data and Avira, Panda

Aug 2010: G Data TrustPort, McAfee

Feb 2011: G Data, TrustPort, avast!

G Data is clearly doing well. It’s strange that it isn’t always the best, according to AV Test.

Let’s look at the market leaders based on their positions in the top 20

Symantec: 7,6,12 (medium positions)

McAfee: 5,3,10 (closer to the top).

Trend Micro: 18,13.13 (almost always at the bottom).

“Bottom” here means >90% detection. We are talking about 90% of the most serious and dangerous viruses threats.

Virus Bulletin

Virus Bulletin is the most sophisticated site. It measures the largest range of products from vendors and gives the most comprehensive results. They provide historical data about the performance of antivirus products. Let’s now take the RAP (Reactive & Proactive) test. It covers October 2010 through April 2011.

Trustport, Coranti and Avira were the best vendors. G Data, Kaspersky was also a top choice.

What are the leaders doing now?

Symantec: 90% – 80% (definitely top quadrant).

McAfee: ~ 75%-75% (average results)

Trend Micro has been refusing to take this test for three years (hmm).

Is there anything to be said about antivirus protection if it is tested independently?

– The results are not consistent. Totally different vendors rise to the top and then fall to the bottom, without any indication as to why

– The top sales vendors are either average or below average in terms of their protection level. Small companies are given the best places.

– A vendor may show the exact same result in 2010 but drop it a year later.

The certifications from these labs are displayed on the websites of antivirus vendors. Each vendor has at least one. Based on this information, I don’t know how to compare them.

The fourth estat is power

There are many computer magazines. They are published every month. According to marketing research, the advice received from computer news sources is a major factor in the decision-making process of customers who purchase antivirus products.

I have gathered information from many PC magazines online and offline. Let’s see which antivirus products are the best.

Dennis Technology Labs, PC Total Protection Suites 2011 February 2011.

Symantec Trend Micro, Webroot are the best choices

PassMark Software, “Consumer Security Products Performance benchmarks (Edition 3, February 2011),” February 2011.

Best Choises: Symantec, ESET, G-Data


Best Choices: Symantec, avast!, Sophos


Best Choices: BitDefender, Kaspersky, Webroot


Best Choises: ESET, Symantec, Mcafe


Best Choices: Symantec, Kaspersky, K7


TrendMicro, Mcafee and Kaspersky are the best choices

I could go on, but I believe I have made my point. Any of these 52 vendors will have an IT magazine rank it number 1.

What are vendors saying about themselves?

Marketers tell stories. A “battlecard” is a marketing tool that many antivirus vendors use. It is a listing of features and a comparison to the competition.

Although this information is not publicly available, it is more-or-less accessible to the software channel partners (distributors and resellers). Google the topic to find research examples and comparative tables from vendors.

(Disclaimer: the information I have provided is as it is. The way I obtained it via Google is subject to criticism.

To see examples of these “battlecards”, you can Google the name of a vendor and “battlecard”. You’ll be sure to find some interesting results.

What should you do?

It is similar to choosing a car when you choose an antivirus product. Everyone has their own preferences and vendors spend millions to influence our views. There aren’t any Ferraris or Porsches in the world of antivirus products. They just have a large row of sedans with mid-size cars.

One is a must.

You don’t have to choose between antivirus software. You can choose the one you use today, or the one your friend is using. Or the one that your IT department recommends. You can choose another product if one is causing performance issues. You can choose a less expensive subscription if you have five computers at home.

The question of how to purchase antivirus software is a much more intriguing one. What are the essential details to ensure that you can purchase antivirus software at the lowest price, speed and security? This is unfortunately beyond the scope this article.

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